Saturday, 29 September 2012

On the road from Jerusalem to Jericho

This morning we headed off early for our last big excursion to Jericho, the oldest city in the world!
On the way we stopped in the Judean desert for a time of reflection at Wadi Kelt. The last time we were in the desert was on Day 4 of our course- it seems like such a long time ago now and we have experienced so much!
We went to a viewing point which had a spectacular view over the barren hills.

We were given time to just stop, sit and reflect on our incredible journey over the last month, and to listen to what God is calling us to next in the silence and the stillness of this hot, dry and barren place.
As with every place we visit, there were some Bedouin (desert people) there trying to sell us their wares. A number of us bought white scarves from them.

Our next stop was up the road a bit where we walked out to see a Greek orthodox monastery built into a cliff face. Many monasteries existed in this area as monks withdrew from society to become hermits and contemplatives. This monastery is still in use today and has five monks in their community.

We then travelled to Jericho - an ancient city which dates back to 8000 BCE. It is also the lowest city on earth- located at 1300 feet below sea level. It is also the place where Joshua led his armies into battle.We caught a cable car up to the Mount of Temptation, where people believe was one of the places where Jesus was tempted by the devil when he was in the desert. The place is now a part of another monastery which clings to the side of a cliff.

From here we visited Elisha's spring and a Sycamore tree, where people believe Zaccheus climbed up to get a glimpse of Jesus as he passed through the town.

Our last stop was a very beautiful modern Romanian Church which was built recently, but was covered in the most amazing icons depicting saints, prophets and stories from the Old testament and the life of Jesus- I know my son Daniel would have loved it! In fact there were a few lovely icons of his namesake!

We had a nice lunch at a lovely restaurant then returned to Ecce Homo for a shower and a well earned rest as it was an extremely hot and humid day.

In the evening the whole group went out for dinner to celebrate together and to thank Sisters Bernadette and Trudy for all their help and hard work in organising such a wonderful program for us. It was a lovely night!

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