Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday

The Good Friday service today affected me much more than usual. Perhaps it was because, this year, I could actually picture the places where the passion and death of Jesus occurred.
* Caiaphas' place- where Peter denied Jesus, was just near where Oscar Schindler's grave is now.
* The praetorium where Pilate interrogated Jesus was believed to be directly below our place of residence - "Ecce Homo" - "Here is the man."
* Calvary/Golgotha - now part of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

I visited the site of Calvary a number of times, the most moving were on the Jewish Feast of Yom Kippur, and on my last night in Jerusalem.
Today I was transported back in time to this place, the site where Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for us, and I was moved, not only by the deep emotion and comprehension of this fact, but also by the realisation of the great privilege that was given to me last year to visit the Holy Land, and to worship and pray at this most holy of shrines.

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